Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Melba Dear...

How I love this girl! This is my Melba Faye Latu and today is her Happy Birthday! Merba and I have been through so much together and have helped each other through many obstacles.

Merba is amazing! She is so motivated, dedicated and when she puts her mind to something, she does it! She even completed law school a couple of years ago!

Merba and I love to have girls nights, eat yummy food together and have unplanned sleepovers!

I have seen such spiritual strength in this tongan sister of mine. Not only has she conquered overwhelming trials and accomplished more than anyone would have said she could, She served a spanish speaking mission in California, she stays close to the spirit and is now serving as The Relief Society President in the tongan singles ward.

Merbs is the queen of asking fun, thought provoking questions and sometimes it catches you off guard and really makes you have to stop and think hard. These questions are like, "If you had to marry someone tomorrow who would it be? If you could change 3 things in your life past, present or future what would it be? etc" It always gets us laughing and keeps good conversation.

Melba/Merbs, I totally celebrate your birth! I am so thankful for ALL the memories, chats, food, and testimony that we have had together and look forward to a lifetime of those things and more!

Ofa Atu' My dear sister!
***This song is one of Merbs and my favorite. This song was played on constant repeat when melbs was in the hospital. At the time it was a little annoying but it was all that she wanted.. now it provides sweet memories.. ***


Author said...

OOOOOOOOOOh!!! Meggie, that's the sweetest blog tribute ever! I love you so much and know that I am so blessed to call you sister! love you!!