Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wedding Wednesday: Justin and Kassi Carr Sealing

My cousin Justin, Kassi, Jada and soon to be son were sealed in the Mt. Timp temple for time and all eternity on August 20, 2008. It was a beautiful ceremony with such a sweet spirit and love. I just kept staring at Justin and watching the love that was emulating off of him!

The group who came to share their special day...
all immediate family but Mom, Pat, Andrea and I.

Jada is their little girl and she is the cutest thing ever and she knows it!! Princess Jada!


joslyn marie said...

How do you do it! You are one of the busiest people I know! You amaze me! Can I be you when I grow up! You are always there for EVERYONE!!! Hey I just posted and album of Joslyn and Goldens wedding pictures! I wish I would of had the ones you took! Could you email them to me! I'd love them!!!

joslyn marie said...

I just realized I was in Joslyns blog because I was helping her put the wedding album on her blog! Ooops!