Monday, February 23, 2009


I spent from Valentines Day til this Sunday with my Boise family! It was so much fun to be with them again! We had a BLAST!!

Jolyn and Lou went to Seattle for their 18 th Anniversary for the weekend. While they were away the kids and I had some spontaneous fun! We went Valentine's Day morning to a little hole in the way.. but SOOO amazing cafe called Merritt's! We had Cinnamon scones and Boston shakes for BREAKFAST... yes, you heard it right BREAKFAST! You only celebrate Love Day 2009 once right? Then for dinner we ordered out Panda Express.. YUM YUM!

It was fun to have Lou and Joni come home because I got to spend some much needed bonding time with my sweet Jolyn.

On top of all the Buhrley Family excitement my best friend Jen came and joined in with the fun! The moment after she arrived (10:30 pm) I swooped her back in her car Emmy and off we went to me our sweet girl Katie Featherstone at.....where do you ask?... Merritt's the home of the scones!

After our lovely treat..we went to Katie's house to see her newly born pups.. they were darling!I was so blessed to be in Boise with SOOO many people I love so much.. all at once! And then to top off an already great time Jolyn treated us all to a Girl's Night Out (GNO) Saturday with a fun movie, the yummiest burger I have EVER had at Goodwood and then Walmart fun!

One of my highlights is I got to introduce my sweet Jen to my fav store in Boise... TJMAXX Home and she found one of her favorite treasures for he newly re-decorated bedroom!Boise Fam thanks once again for some more GREAT memories!
I love you DEARLY!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Come What May, and Love It!

Thanks so much for ALL the wonderful, thoughtful and funny Birthday shout-outs! It buoyed up my spirit and made we want to strive to be the person that you all say I am! Thanks for your confidence in me and for seeing me without my flaws in the way! Thanks Jolyn for starting the chain of wonderfulness by "hacking" in to my blog and posting it. I love you dearly!

Today has been a really reflective day, humbling, and emotional day for me. It is amazing to me how many emotions you can feel in a matter of a week and today they all came to the surface. These reflections included my own discouragements, people I love who I know are hurting and going through tempests great and small which also hurts me greatly to know they are hurting. Disappointment from not getting the job I so greatly desired, and the unknown that seems to be going on alot in my life as of late.

There are so many times when I let myself feel so inadequate and my thoughts get the better of me and yet even when everything seems to be so heart wrenching there is still such hope, such joy and such miracles and such opportunities for growth to be found, right underneath our very noses!

Today was one of those days where you know there is a brighter tomorrow. First off... the inevitable happened to me today, I was released from my calling as second counselor in the relief society (our church's women's group) and given the assignment as Sunday School teacher! In my mind I have always thought that is the most dreaded assignment for me to have. I struggle with all the differing opinions and tangents that sometimes accompany these classes and to have to juggle them I feel so un-prepared and not scholarly enough to have that responsibility. After a nervous breakdown in the Bishops office, he gave me the faith that this is what will bless my life at this time and that will increase my strength and endurance through the trials that beset us all. I was humbled. I was feeling so inadequate. After talking with my Mom (who is my hero) and getting on my knees, I am ready for the challenge. I know that in this situation I just need to set aside all the stereotypes that I feel is expected of me and just teach and testify of the things I KNOW are true in the scriptures. Thinking of it that way, it doesn't seem so daunting.

My roommate Michelle gave a great talk in church on overcoming adversity and referenced the talk by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin in the Oct 2008 conference, "Come What May, and Love it!". I am nannying a family of teens right now and they didn't want me to entertain them tonight (although I did con them into a game of Sorry!) so I entertained myself by reading this talk! What a great choice I made in doing this! I have now printed this talk and plan to have it close by forever! I just wanted to remember a few things that stuck out to me...

**Every life has peaks and shadows and times when it seems that the birds
don't sing and bells don't ring. Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser and happier as a result.

**Learn to laugh: the next time you're tempted to groan, you might try to laugh instead. It will extend your life and make the lives of all those around you more enjoyable.

**Seek for the eternal: Learning to endure times of disappointment, suffering, and sorrow is part of our on-the-job training. These experiences while often difficult to bear at the time, are precisely the kind of experiences that stretch our understanding, build our character,
and increase our compassion.

**Understand the principle of compensation: The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in His own way. While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude."

My heart has been so touched today as I realize that no matter what any of us are going through we will get through it and once again be able to say, "Come what may, and love it!"

To all of my friends and family with heavy hearts know that I love you. I am rooting for you and believe in the principle of compensation! Hang on there.. it does pay off.. everyday my discouragement has become smaller and smaller through the hope and prayers of all of you!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


It's my birthday!!!!
I will begin with saying this is NOT Meg writing this!!
However, if you are reading this, you know that no one deserves
a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" shout out more then our Meggie Girl!!!
I wish I had pictures of Meg
with all the people that love her!!
Meg, just know this is from ALL of us.
All of us who love you , adore you,
and are so blessed to have you in our lives.
We celebrate this day with you..........
Meg is the epitome of what you would call
the "GO TO GIRL!"
Go to meg if.......
~ You need to cry
~You need to laugh
~You need someone to listen
~You need advice....on ANYTHING!
~You need perspective
~You need something done
~You want to have fun
~You need a lift
~You need someone to love you for who you are
~You need an idea on what to cook for dinner
~You need someone to take care of your kids better than you do
~You need to laugh at yourself
~You need to be around someone who makes you a better person
~You need an example of someone who lives her life by loving, serving, and following the Savior.

Happy Birthday Meg!
May this be your best year yet!!!!