Hello, yes, I am still alive!! I am sorry since nannying the twins I have been non existant on here.. but that will change, i promise!!
Just wanted to let you all know that I have a new weightloss blog. After winning an essay contest with "Wholly Guacamole" I have been blogging about that experience. I will get caught up with that and then come back here for other stories. Just wanted to give you all the link!
Loves to you!!
Monday, June 20, 2011
A New Addition to my life, A BLOG!
Posted by Meg at 2:15 PM 4 comments
Labels: biggest loser
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Hawaii... where have you been all my life?
Posted by Meg at 9:06 AM 7 comments
Labels: Hawaii, Vacation, Vacation Nanny
Monday, August 23, 2010
Missing in Action?... Somedays!
(A.K.A. Ponyo)
(A.K.A. Princess Buttercup)
Posted by Meg at 1:16 AM 12 comments
Labels: TWINS
Monday, May 31, 2010
Birthday Wishes for one of my FAVORITE AZ Friends! Happy Birthday Stephy!
The minute these two woman walked in the door I thought I had known them for my WHOLE LIFE! Stephanie sat there and got my whole life story out of me in the 30 minute visit. And poor thing has been getting more and more glimpses the past 6 month... I just can't stop blabbing my guts to her!
Within the month of moving to Arizona I was put into the RS Presidency working side by side these woman, and I soon found that Steph was THE REAL DEAL! She was who she acted like. She was real and I wanted to be around her all I could be! Steph is also unique cause she has an identical twin Tiffany who sounds and acts like her, who looks like her, it is amazing how as adults they can still be so ALIKE!
Steph makes me laugh A LOT! I feel comfortable sharing things that are weighing on my mind or to tell her how I am feeling whether it be funny, sad or frustrating! She was a pillar of strength to me as I went through challenging times with Verna.
Some of my favorite memories in the last 6 months have been: group walks, Tuesday Night tradition where I was invited to eat with her family and then we would watch the Biggest Loser together, Birthday Pedicure, Easter with her family, our love for food, cleaning out Verna's things, helping me set up her tribute at the funeral, decorating wedding luncheons and Laurisa's shower, helping me get Grandmother's funeral, She taught me what it REALLY MEANS to throw a party (this girl has more talent on one pinky than most do in their whole being), party throwing, hot tubbin', movies, daily texts, decorating her yard, her fun doorstep surprises, did I mention laughing?
One time I was shocked when she brought me a gift of "her favorite things" and they were all things I use on a daily basis! I love when you find someone that just "get's you!" Steph has showered me with so much support, she even bought a one way plane ticket so she could drive me to Dallas for my new job (that is another post) and fly back! Many times on an off day she has shown up with dinner, bread, a card or just let me come over and hang out so I wouldn't be alone and I have loved her for it! We shared our lives ups and downs and instantly I felt like I have known her forever!
One of the MOST POWERFUL things that I have learned from Stephy Girl is SERVICE! I call her SUPER STEPHY! There is no one I have witnessed serving 90% of their life. She is an example that you are NEVER too tired, NEVER too maxed, NEVER too downtrodden to serve someone else. If I am looking for Steph and she isn't available by phone or at her house, I can know that her feet are walking someones child in a stroller, picking up dinner for a new mother or struggling friend in the ward, redecorating some frustrated or overwhelmed friends home, taking her sister's children some times for multiple days to give them a break, volunteering at her children's school, sitting for hours at her Mothers side as she goes through chemo treatments, helping someone move or clean their own house (even when she has her own laundry, dishes, bed making to do). There is a saying that I say to Steph almost daily, "Have you done any good in the world this hour?!" And I am so glad to know that this is NOT an exaggeration it is just the woman that she is!
Steph, I know your feet get MUCH mileage every day! I want you to know that example makes me want to get out of bed and do something good in the world that hour! Arizona has been sweeter because of you!! So glad that we have connected!! I learn SOO much from you! Thank you for being there for me and helping add to the goodness I have found in Arizona! You are the real deal and I am so glad to have you as a true friend!The highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish Christian service. The greatest form of praise is the sound of consecrated feet seeking out the lost and helpless. ---- Billy Graham ----
Posted by Meg at 10:29 PM 5 comments
Thursday, May 13, 2010
My Mother's Day Surprise....
- 1. My Mom is really good at yelling.
- My Mom likes to hide candy in her room and eat it in her bed.
- My Mom can toot on demand.
As that was not powerful enough to describe our roles of Motherhood President Hinckley declared, “Men have to have something given to them in mortality to make them Saviors of men, but not mothers, not women. They were born with an inherent right, an inherent authority, to be saviors of human souls… and the regenerating force in the lives of God’s children.”
Sheri Dew makes this point,
Sisters, today is a special day of rejoicing in that endowment! It isn’t a day to bring discouragement, frustration, or pity. It doesn’t matter whether we don’t have any kids, or we have 18 and counting we are ALL given that same endowment! And it is up to us to use our light in ALL Ways to love and lead those, even each other, back to the one who blessed us with such a high honor!
When you live close to God and his infinite grace-- You won’t have to tell, it will show in your face!
Posted by Meg at 1:29 AM 11 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Should I or shouldn't I.......?
I am feeling torn.
I don't know if I can do it?
Yes I am obsessed with it, but really can I put myself out there again... in person?!
Here I live in one of the cities where a HUGE population of Biggest Loser contestants have came from. I live less than 5 minutes away from the casting call.... I just don't know if I have it in me to face another rejection...
Posted by Meg at 1:15 AM 34 comments
Labels: biggest loser
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Power of OUR Words
Today in church we had one of the most beautiful lessons on the SACREDNESS of our words. How our words make a huge difference on those around us and most importantly our own self and our own countenance.
This struck me a lot after having a conversation with my cousin last night about a time when a family member was overly harsh to her about a situation with her boyfriend that they didn't understand and felt as though her boyfriend had been wrongly judged.
How many times do we misjudge someone's intentions or think that we know better? How many times do we bubble over and are impatient rather than take the few extra minutes to communicate something better or make time for someone's silly request? How many times do we let our words be DESTRUCTIVE instead of using them to help people see themselves the way the Lord and other's do?
Although this video may be 16 minutes, it is some of the best minutes you could spend to think and evaluate how this could help you in your life. I have watched it 3 times today already and fully intend to use it in my life.
Posted by Meg at 12:01 PM 4 comments
Monday, March 1, 2010

Verna Pauline Oswald Taylor
January 9, 1911-February 19, 2010

Posted by Meg at 10:54 PM 11 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
Miracles Still Exist
I have been following this families journey. It is amazing how much a perfect stranger can change your perspective on life. This is such a touching video and worth every minute of the 9 minutes to watch it. Prayer is powerful. Calling on the powers of heaven does work!
I think with all the hard times we sometimes forget that good things happen. Congrat Staker family on your miracle...
Posted by Meg at 4:49 PM 5 comments
Labels: testimony
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Posted by Meg at 10:36 PM 4 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
Celebrating my sweet GHETTO!

Posted by Meg at 9:45 PM 1 comments
Labels: EFY birthdays
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Posted by Meg at 6:42 PM 5 comments
Thankful Thursday: 25 years of Jamie Ann Schroeppel Gillman

- Jamie was named Andrea at birth and at her blessing her Dad re-named her to Jamie Ann to all of our suprise.. even her Mom's! (Most people don't have a story like that!)
- Playing School, house, cashier...fighting through it too
- The Tiffin Room at ZCMI
- Sleepovers
- Overnight babysitting
- Laughs and laughs
- Helping me clean and organize things ( I am pretty sure she is still a freak about it like me!)
- Drive-In's
- Funny girl's nights with Grandma
- Jamie and Amy's New Kids on the Block obsession (night gowns, sleeping bags, telephone...)
- the face she would give when she was "up to something"
- Her teasing personality
- the natural mothering that has ALWAYS been in her!
Posted by Meg at 5:38 PM 1 comments
Labels: birthdays, mark schroeppel family, Thankful Thursday
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Yes! I met Blaine Kotter, Season 7 Biggest Loser Contestant
- Biggest Loser sends you home with nothin but a couple resistance bands, 3 boxes of cheerios (because I did a commercial) and a one year to 24 hour fitness (like you will only need to only work out a year! haha)
- Worked out 4 hours then had lunch, a lil break 2 hours then had dinner 2 hours then went on a walk. Sometimes they wouldn't get home till midnight
- Jillian kicks the snot out of you. He learned what suffering was. He likened that suffering to the atonement and repentance!
- When he was in the final process of being chosen, Dane and he were sequestered in a hotel room for 3 weeks. Take away all communication, don't give you a room key. He said it prepared him for the prison like feeling of the Ranch!
- 6 baptized members in that season (Black team: Dane and Blaine, Blue team: Sione and Fillipe and Yellow team: Aubrey and Mandy,how ever Mandy and Aubrey aren't active)
- They have fill in trainers. Bob and Jillian are only there 60% of the time. There are other trainers who take you on outside workouts.
- Biggest Loser spend $100 a day on the contestants food all organic, high quality things
- The ranch is old and worn down. (they make it look nice on TV...it isn't) Used to be owed by Gillette Razor guy. It is a on national park land so you can go right up to it (tourists)
- Ron is as scuzzy as he appeared to be.
- Kristin really DIDN'T get baptized :(
- "You can't give what you don't have!"
- "Pain is temporary, Growth is permanant!"
- "Be accountable to God."
- "If you haven't suffered, you haven't repented."
“Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.
“And again, if ye by the grace of God are perfect in Christ, and deny not his power, then are ye sanctified in Christ by the grace of God, through the shedding of the blood of Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto the remission of your sins, that ye become holy, without spot” (Moroni 10:32–33).
That urge to rise above yourself is a recognition of your need for the Atonement to work in your life, and your need to be sure that it is working. After all you can do, after all your effort, you need confidence that the Atonement is working for you and on you.
I think that I really got what he was saying! I appreciated his words, the laughs, the spirit and his willingness to talk to me after and answer any questions that I had. It was a great night. It was fun to see someone that you cheered on, on your television set, right in front of your face and still working towards that goal of self mastery. I appreciated his hard work on the show and I appreciate his continued drive to have that GAME day and keep himself focused and his success in motion! Thanks Blaine for sharing your challenges, suffering and testimony with us tonight!!
Posted by Meg at 10:18 PM 5 comments
Labels: biggest loser