As you can tell this weekend was bitter sweet. Not only did I have a funeral but I had a WONDERFUL EFY Old School Reunion. What a blessing that was. I saw people that I haven't seen in over 5 yrs! So much fun! Not to mention 4 EFY babies on the way!
The thing that I found most amusing was that many of the couples that showed were the 10% couples. If you aren't familiar with that. It has been said that 10% of EFY counselors marry eachother.. I don't think that is quite right... I think personally it is much higher! Here are some snipits of pictures from the night...
These are the people that came.. that I have been able to remember... I am so sorry if I forgot you!
- Jackson Westenschow and Heather Brinkerhoff Westenschow (pregnant w/ child)
Troy Anderson and Heidi Brinkerhoff Anderson
Fernando (sharon was in Cali with the kids)
Kurt Johnson, wife and 2 kids
Julie Little Erikson and hubby Phil (pregnant with child)
Anna Osmond Poole and Marcus Poole and son Connor (pregnant with Child)
Deveney Tucker Jensen (pregnant with child)
Desiree Marchant Syme and hubby Chuck
Kylee Shields
Kevin Peterson
Staci Yamada
Jen Willahan
Adam Esenshroder
Amy Peese Bellamy and hubby Adam with Baby Boston
Kristen Mcmullin
Randilyn Nordstrom
Emilie Johnson Adams plus 2 kids, Mckenna and Hadley
Katie Montgomery
Tiffany Stephen
Jessica and Greg Warner
Tyson Ripley
Andrea A
Don Osmond
Carrie Drake
Brett Barrett and Sister Jamie Barrett
Cindy King Merryweather and husband Reid
Ry Guy tucker
Mark Millet (wife Mary was at Girl's Camp)
Meg Gazaway (hahaha)
Emily Hansen, husband and kids
Tammy Burton Lamm and husband and baby girl Emma - Sharylann Goertzen
I know there are people I am missing.. sorry!
ah man, that looks so fun!!! i wish we lived out there. my bro-in-law and fam are moving to Utah in a couple of weeks, so maybe after the baby is born, we'll be able to go out there and visit some time. i miss you, megs!!!
We have some great friends out here in that 10% group!
What FUN memories! LOvE your blog!
That was a lot of fun. Thanks for putting that together. :)
I cant believe I missed out on all of the action - although I am such an old timer that I only knew three or four people listed. but - it still would have been fun :)
good times meg! but its deveney jensen silly! haha no worries tucker is a great last name:)
Dev.. thank you for correcting that! I want it to be acqurate for history.. you know! And plus, why would I ever want to leave Chis out of it..even if it is just his last name.. I adore him! Dev Tucker Jensen it is!
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