Friday, August 8, 2008

Freaky Friday: Look alikes?

This is comical! As much as I love Queen Latifa... things that make you go.. hum?

Maybe this is what my sweet Mae in Ohio meant when she told me, "Sister Gazaway, your trial in life was coming to earth in a white girl's body with a black woman's soul!" I guess she saw something that we didn't! :) Here's to you my sweet Mae Ward....

Simply Beautiful - Queen Latifah


The Johnson J's!! said...

Meg, I have added you to my list of blogs that I check daily, I hope that is ok!! I just have to thank you for writing about Jills Emily!! I never knew thier family was going through those things. My mom only sees Merilyn from time to time and she has never said anything about it. It made me cry!! I love all your adventures and look forward to more to come!! You are welcome to check out my blog @
Jamie Morrow Johnson

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! I've done a couple of those celebrity match-up things. Don't feel too bad about it, Luke always gets matched-up to women! Ha Ha! I love what that woman said about you. I can kind of agree with that!

Anonymous said...

Hey Megs! Sorry that i haven't recieved any messages from you!:( We got a new phone number when we moved. (785-7978) Call me anytime. I would love to go to lunch. Unfortunately I can't get together this Wednesday. But, let me know next time you want to get together. I can't believe she is moving so soon. How sad. We need her to get going on her blog so we can keep in touch better! Talk to ya soon.